๐Ÿ’ฒEnergy-reward conversion

Energy is a value between 0 to 100 (%) that indicates what percentage of the user's total rewards will be earned in the current game iteration. Currently, the rewards users recieve are modified by a factor of 0.01. So, users get 1% of the daily rewards they earnt.

A game iteration is a 24-hour period between 00:00:00 UTC and 23:59:59 UTC.

Energy is a relative value: the same amount of energy would result in different rewards based on the NFT pet collection power, which is calculated from the following parameters:

Reward calculation

How we calculate your rewards:

  1. Rewards for each individual pet: PetReward = (Health/100)(RankReward * (1 + 0.01*Level)), where RankReward is determined by the NFT Rank and Level (a number between 1 and 10 that represents your NFT Level) and Health is your pet's health.

  2. Rewards for all pets are the sum of individual pet rewards: TotalPetReward = sum(PetRewards)

  3. Total Reward is calculated through multiplying by the total boost (referral and staking) and the energy: TotalReward = TotalPetReward*(1 + DailyRefBoost)* (Energy/100),where DailyRefBoost is a percentage described in the game that is divided by 100.

  4. Realized Reward is calculated by subtracting charity donations, as well as adding first-line and second-line referral rewards: RealizedReward = TotalReward*(1 - Charity)+ (0.02 * FirstLineRefRewards) + (0.01 * SecondLineRefRewards), where Charity is a percentage devided by 100 and FirstLineRefRewards and SecondLineRefReward are the rewards earned from first-line and second-line referees.

  5. Finally, the calculated reward is modifed by the unlock rate: FinalReward = (UnlockRate/100)*RealizedReward

If the energy balance exceeds 60, the user's energy is zeroed and converted into $VIGUP rewards for every player at 00:00 UTC. Otherwise, it is halved and the remaining energy balance is retained in the next game iteration.

Last updated